How To Keep Feet From Sweating While Hunting?

Sweat is a huge enemy for hunters. There is nothing that can make a hunter more frustrated than sweaty feet. It makes a hunter feel uneasy. Sweaty feet makes any hunter move very slow. If you also sweat too much while hunting then you would know how bad and frustrating it feels. Your feet become wet and slippery and movements become slow. For this reason, a hunter needs to know how to keep feet from sweating while hunting.
There are so many ways that can help a hunter to keep his feet from sweating while hunting. Too much movement, warm weather conditions, or moisture can make anyone’s feet sweaty. So the basic rule is to avoid all that or use a technique to safeguard your feet from the outside condition. We have taken ideas from different professional hunters and all of them has given us these tips on how to keep feet from sweating while hunting
How To Keep Feet From Sweating While Hunting
Right boots
First of all, you have to select the right boots. The hunting boot is the main thing that will cover your feet. So you have to be careful before buying one. There are so many insulated boots in the market nowadays. They have quality breathing space and insulation in them. But the problem with them is that you have to be very careful about the size.
Because the size is wrong then no matter how hard you try or whatever hack you apply you will not be able to save your feet from getting sweaty. So choose a boot that is not too big or not too tight. The boot should allow only as much space as there is to be needed for proper air circulation. So try out all of the boots first and select the most comfortable one.
Select the right socks
A nice pair of insulated socks can do the job for you. But you have to pick the right socks according to the weather. In summer the pair has to be light and made of cotton. This way the sock will allow more amount airflow to the feet. A cotton sock usually sucks in the sweat and keeps the feet dry. But the flaw about it is that it does leave some adjacent in the feet that can be bad under cold situations.
Usually, in the winter there is too much moisture in the weather. So you have to wear wool socks during that time. Wool will let your feet feel comfortable and prevent moisture from getting in and cause sweat.
Relax you feet
The most effective way for you will be just to stop moving for a bit and let your feet out in the air. In this way, your feet will feel the natural air and be sweat-free. I know it is very difficult for hunters to even stop for a day but whenever you get time just relax and get off your shoes. Because no matter what socks you wear or what boot you put on.
If you are moving for a long time then you will surely get a sweat on your feet. The more you move the sweaty your feet will become and you will feel uncomfortable. So stop for some time and put your feet out in the air. You can even wipe out the sweat with a normal cloth. This is the most effective and natural way of getting rid of sweaty feet.
Use a sweat-free powder
There are different sweat-free powders in the market these days. They can be a lot helpful to deal with sweaty-free. Before wearing your boots and socks just apply them a little on your feet and your feet will sweat less. Though it doesn’t completely prevent sweat. Sweat will of course come after a long period of a walk. But it can keep your feet dry for a longer time than usual days.
This powder slightly absorbs the moisture from the feet and cools down the system for some time. You can buy this powder from any market near you. So just sprinkle a little of it before putting your shoes on. But do not apply more amount of it or it will do badly for you.
Carry extra socks
Most of the time one sock is just not enough for a long day of walking. While hunting you just have to move a lot. Doesn’t matter whether you are walking in the snow, in the mountains, or under a hot sun. Your feet will always be sweaty and your sock will not be able to soak everything.
So you should always carry an extra pair of socks with you. If you have extra socks then you can change them anytime whenever the socks you are wearing get completely wet by soaking up the sweat. All of the hunters carry extra pairs of socks with them in case they are not able to cope up with sweaty feet.
Usually, these are the most common things hunters do to save their feet from getting sweaty. Remember that getting sweaty feet depends on how much you move. The more you move the more sweaty your feet will get. So you can not completely be sweat-free all the time while hunting. The above tips will only help you to control the sweat that your feet will produce. If you have a problem with having too many sweaty feet then these tricks might not help you as well. Hope that now you know how to keep your feet from sweating while hunting.